Or is it just humanity can reuse resources to alter their environment? Ok, time for an explanation. First, about a year and half ago, I created a compost heap to recycle plant life back to dirt/compost. Second, dug a hole for a concrete slab about couple months ago. Today, I took the loose gravel that made up a make shift parking space on the lawn. It was starting to get weedy and ugly, and we never use it anyway. So, I took the rock used them to finish the bottom of the slab hole for water drainage. Took the dirt from the hole to fill in where the rocks were. Covered new grass seed with the compost to help fertilize it. And now plan to use the rest of the rocks to fill in around the air conditioner. Somehow through just movement of things found in the yard, the yard was improved. Just an odd happy feeling about maintaining balance of the objects in the yard. That and I'm sore from moving it all. Guess we can never escape physics!
In response "Thought 14 - Perpetual Cat" sugarbumkin said, "The same theory could be applied to balloons tied to kindergarteners at recess. I like it." Well this got me thinking... Clothes with that are laced with MEMS generators. A MEMS generator is a solid state electronic circuit that generates low level of current though passive motion of the environment. Things like temperature change, acceleration, and even Brownian motion are converted to power using a MEMS generator. So, now we have attached them to small free moving bipeds of pure energy. How do we get the energy back. I figure that we isolate the playground into a large battery configuration where the children are running around on a conductive plate that makes contact with the heels of their shoes. They will run around with a super capacitor in addition to the MEMS, when their feet touch the ground the super-cap is discharged into the conductive plate underneath them. I do not think that the childr...