For some reason people dislike bread ends and this alwasy leaves them to be turned into bread crumbs. We always cook them in a pan even the major manufactures. Now, there is a type of bread that is made without ends, but it's very different. But why couldn't someone like Wonder Bread create a convayer belt of bread and remove the pans? That is the belt is a series of overlapping U shapes. The pans drop down from the back preventing dough from going backwards. The U's are sprayed with butter/oil then the dough is dropped into the U's in a continous fashion. The belt continues forward into a low temperator oven to help the dough raise it can take an s-shape here as we are only doing dough rising, from here the dough move to a long and slow oven for the hour or so to cook the bread. At the end of the oven tunnel the bread is sliced, now with no ends. The U conveyer belt drops down and the endless loaves now move to slicing and packaging. The U's now go up through a bath and to clean, then pulled back high going back over the ovens to dry, and then start back creating and endless bread circle. And no more bread ends, just one giant loaf!
What do you think? Do you like bread load ends? Or is this another useless thought?