Vaccines are designed to train our immune system to react to incoming virus and track component of their D/RNA. That information is generally stored inside cells inside our bone marrow. Current technology is that we find the virus break it apart and identify the piece that will trigger an immune response. What if we could change it up and simple put the information needed by the body direcctly into the storage cells? Could we take survivors of a disease and extra the DNA alterations stored in the bone marrow? Could we use that and build a CRISPR sequence that could be used to give immunity with needing to invoke an immunno response? Could end the need for endless vaccines in early childhood and start by modifying the immune system from the get go, many less injections? Could we accelerate future vaccines by already having this vetted and in place, so the time from initial infection to herd immunity basically drops to a few days?
We can use crispr for virus id. ref
We are planning things like stopping heart disease with CRiSPR: ref
Given current pandamic it is also noted that reinfections of C-19 is from damaged bone marrow, could this be the bypass? ref
It's also known that certain bone marrows can cure HIV/AIDs. It looks like they are already working on this angle as of 2015. ref
Is it possible? Or is this another useless thought?