Just thinking about showers. There are those 'full body' shower that have a bunch of head to spray your entire body with water. Well I was thinking why not add in a way to put liquid body soap into the lower section of those shower heads, then just hit the soap button and it lathers you with soap then sprays you clean, quick, simple, probably would save time in the shower. Basically just steal all of the parts from a car wash and make a 'human wash'. We'll just add a 'dry' cycle to this through use of heat vents from the top and bottom, possibly just steal the technology in the Dyson Hand Dryers. If you've never used one find one and try it, really the first air hand dryer that works. Not sure if it could not be used for whole body drying, but I think it's worth a try. Any just thought a human wash would be fun, which reminds me I need to think about redoing the downstairs shower.
In response "Thought 14 - Perpetual Cat" sugarbumkin said, "The same theory could be applied to balloons tied to kindergarteners at recess. I like it." Well this got me thinking... Clothes with that are laced with MEMS generators. A MEMS generator is a solid state electronic circuit that generates low level of current though passive motion of the environment. Things like temperature change, acceleration, and even Brownian motion are converted to power using a MEMS generator. So, now we have attached them to small free moving bipeds of pure energy. How do we get the energy back. I figure that we isolate the playground into a large battery configuration where the children are running around on a conductive plate that makes contact with the heels of their shoes. They will run around with a super capacitor in addition to the MEMS, when their feet touch the ground the super-cap is discharged into the conductive plate underneath them. I do not think that the childr...