There is still a bug with getting yocto to work with Docker for Windows. One issue might be related to the underlaying Ubuntu version being 20.04. There is some evidense that file names play a role in preventing it from running successfully. If the latest clean and rebuild fails we will rebuild the Docker using 18.04 as the base and spin it back up. Looking at Docker Hub there are several Yocto Dockers, but none with instructions on how they work or even what version of ubuntu they use, in short they all look like crap-shoots. With that in might I will publish my version when this work and add some documentation on how it works.
In the meantime there has been a need to update the Excavator project as there was an issue with the relays getting stuck open cause the wheels to constantly spin. The upgrade will be switching to using a H-Bridge for the main motors. Hopefully with some good thoughts we'll make progress today.