What do health care and baseball have to do with each other? Statistics. So, with all of this talk about health care reform, I starting think about how insurance companies rely on *tons* of statistics. Statistics based on past performances, over health numbers, the cost of procedures, etc. And for a long time they used those numbers to analyze the risks of losing a patient, wasting money on tests, or even law suits. For the most part, it has become a large number crunching machine. Unfortunately instead of trying to balance human life, it seems as though Greed has altered the machine to instead balance the money going to those running the machine. The removal of the human element is why we talk about the reforms today. But enough about the problems, how about a solution? Well, I started thinking about something else that requires a great deal of statistics and human *gut* instinct: Baseball. A game that makes as much use or more of statistics to determine outcomes that the heal...