As always life is preserves some sick twisted sense of balance. About two weeks ago an old knee injury showed and caused me to have to zombie walk up and down stairs. Spoke with cousin Emily, a P.T., and she recommended some exercises to help out with the knee. This somehow has started cascading into a full workout for the whole body. Well that leads back to the "the one pack" as being a play on "the six pack", representing my current state of not quite being in top form. We are going to continue to push this exercising and add 5 to the 1 pack.
In response "Thought 14 - Perpetual Cat" sugarbumkin said, "The same theory could be applied to balloons tied to kindergarteners at recess. I like it." Well this got me thinking... Clothes with that are laced with MEMS generators. A MEMS generator is a solid state electronic circuit that generates low level of current though passive motion of the environment. Things like temperature change, acceleration, and even Brownian motion are converted to power using a MEMS generator. So, now we have attached them to small free moving bipeds of pure energy. How do we get the energy back. I figure that we isolate the playground into a large battery configuration where the children are running around on a conductive plate that makes contact with the heels of their shoes. They will run around with a super capacitor in addition to the MEMS, when their feet touch the ground the super-cap is discharged into the conductive plate underneath them. I do not think that the childr...