Just an odd thought on life itself, and how basically all life tries to create more life. Because of this life changes and adapts how it creates life. Starting first from cooperation of amino acids to create cells, cells dividing sharing dna, then sex for a new form of reproduction. All levels simply trying to survive and produce more life. Well, what I can foresee is a rather radical next jump the forms of life. What if, as great as humanity is, we were never meant to mingle among the stars. That instead we are to create that next form of life that will populate the stars. Imagine if you will large ships with automated controls and vast stores of genetic seeds. The ships are designed to run using nuclear fusion, feed on hydrogen and stars using the fused material to repair any damage they have sustained while they wander the stars. "Living" for millions of years, like days to them, traveling to find more planets to populate with life forms that will convert the raw materials of the planet into more seed ships. Living on this vast almost inconceivable time scale, as chance random encounters with other ships like themselves, exchanging information about the universe and about how to better repair or spread life. Living even beyond when the universe possibly expands so far that all the stars burn out and leave behind nothing more than gasses from which they feed and continue. Guess I'll never live long enough, but it might make a good Sci-Fi short.
In response "Thought 14 - Perpetual Cat" sugarbumkin said, "The same theory could be applied to balloons tied to kindergarteners at recess. I like it." Well this got me thinking... Clothes with that are laced with MEMS generators. A MEMS generator is a solid state electronic circuit that generates low level of current though passive motion of the environment. Things like temperature change, acceleration, and even Brownian motion are converted to power using a MEMS generator. So, now we have attached them to small free moving bipeds of pure energy. How do we get the energy back. I figure that we isolate the playground into a large battery configuration where the children are running around on a conductive plate that makes contact with the heels of their shoes. They will run around with a super capacitor in addition to the MEMS, when their feet touch the ground the super-cap is discharged into the conductive plate underneath them. I do not think that the childr...