Mosquitoes are the bane of existing for summer outdoor activities. To combat this problem, we have used various harsh chemicals (DEET) and incenses (citronella) that just do not work in the long run, as they allow the flying hypodermic needles to simply fly off and seek other victims. Well, it turns out that nature has always had a way to keeping down the insect infestation through means of digestion by fish and frogs. Fish mostly just eat the larva and are constrained to the water areas, which are not always present at a backyard BBQ. That leaves us with frogs. Now, while frog are excellent insect hunters, we do have a few problems with frogs:
1.) They are amphibious and need a source of water.
2.) They eventually would get full and stop eating mosquitoes
3.) They tend to run away from us.
This leads us into need a way to keep an maintain a wall of frogs and here's how. First we will glue the frogs together in a ring or wall configuration around the area to be protected from the flying blood suckers. We will then run a series of pumps and tubes to each frog in the wall. The first pump will maintain a constant moisture supply to the frogs to prevent them from drying out. The second pump will be run into the stomach and regulate the food intake of the frog. By regulating the food intake we can prevent the frog from getting too full, by pulling out mashed mosquito, and prevent starvation by being able to pump food slurry into their bellies. We can also use the pump to alter the chemicals inside the frogs such as the H2 histamine to keep the frogs in a constant state of hunger. But we can also provide stimulants like caffeine or amphetamines to increase the speed as which the frogs annihilate the swarm of pests, regulated to times when us humans will be more vulnerable to the needlely nemesis. With the wall frogs the mosquito population will be reduced in stead of repelled resulting an a much better long term solution to itchy red bumps found every summer on you, me, and many other blood run animals.
Anyway, it's just a thought.
This is actually two thoughts in one, but they are both phone related. Thought 44.1: The backside keyboard. We created the typewriters since 1829 and they've use all of our fingers in an effort to create efficiency. We have even created varieties of key layouts such as qwerty and Dvorak to improve the typing speed. Then we took a huge step backwards and created the cell phone with only the 12 buttons for typing, reducing not only the number of keys by the number of fingers usable on those keys. Then we made the thought that if we just replicate the full qwerty things would be better. And to some extend they are, but we still are reduced to just 2 fingers, or rather thumbs to type with. Then it struck me, the full key set could go on the back of the phone. Well at first it seems rather stupid how do you see the keys to type on them, but does/should a touch typist ever look at the typewriter or keyboard? No. The buttons on the back could be a full qwerty keyboard split and r...