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Thought 40: Embracing Eccentricity

After letting go of the feeling of disconnection, realized I should embrace the madness in public, instead of only letting people in slowly. So, instead of walking the dogs on roller skates at 4 in the morning where there is no one, I walked them at 4 in the afternoon. As expected people where just staring at the fact that someone is walking their dogs on skate, but who cares, the dogs and I are having fun. I think I'll do that some more.

Also Cog is progressing a bit, and I tested his motors capabilities and sure enough cog can pull me on the roller blades. Considering there's a future plan to make cog a 4x4 instead of 2 + caster, he could evolve into a electric vehicle of sorts. We'll just keep pushing this, until they come with the pitch forks and torches!


Unknown said…
Jill Bernard says that most of what we do as humans is try to prove we're not crazy....but we're ALL crazy. We just don't show it. How much cooler would the world be if we stopped wasting all that energy on a cover up of such lame magnitudes?

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