Ok, this is a stupid thought. But oh well.
Imagine altering a first person shooter to be a redone in all lolcats fashion. That is cats running around saying lol cats things like "I'm N UR base, kill'n' UR Dudez." And getting power ups in the form of cheese burgers.
I think it needs more maybe a "om nom nom nom" gun of some sort that eats the cats or whatever.
Maybe just make this an Meme FPS just so we can kill all of the meme's in a glorious fashion. I guess that this would require a Rick Ashley sound track.
Oh god the horror... Ending thought now before my brain explodes.
Imagine altering a first person shooter to be a redone in all lolcats fashion. That is cats running around saying lol cats things like "I'm N UR base, kill'n' UR Dudez." And getting power ups in the form of cheese burgers.
I think it needs more maybe a "om nom nom nom" gun of some sort that eats the cats or whatever.
Maybe just make this an Meme FPS just so we can kill all of the meme's in a glorious fashion. I guess that this would require a Rick Ashley sound track.
Oh god the horror... Ending thought now before my brain explodes.