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Showing posts from 2010

Thought 47: Fireworks Producing Notes

Well, it is almost the Forth of July and it is time to break out the old fireworks. For some this means going to a fireworks show with a local orchestra to play while the explosives go off in time with the music, or at least relatively close to it. Well, here's the new idea: Create sound wave chambers for the fireworks such that they produce their own notes. Then time the launches and explosives to create music in the sky. The sound would be produce similar to how a pipe organ works, only using the explosive forces of the firework to produce the expanding air. The rocket tube could serve as the resonating chamber for the explosive and produce and in air note. Now string together a bunch of these and you can play perfectly synchronized music/light show, all with crazy explosives and physics. Anyway the test plan is to get some PVC pipes of varying length and throw fire crackers into them. I know it's a small test, but I am not exactly a pyrothechnitian, but I pretend I ...

Thought 46: Website

I need to start real website for posting project updates, howtos, and software programs. So, I'm posting myself a todo list: 1.) Create a theme and pages. Thinking Steampunkish at the moment, as a major part of the sight will be for COG and well C.O.G. is a steampunk robot. Plus all of the other steam punk projects. But do not want to tie it too much to steam punk as there will be other things there. 2.) Get domain, not posting here what I am thinking, if you know me, you already know. 3.) Get a bank/paypal account setup. Need somewhere where the hosting bills can be paid and donations made. I do not plan to charge for any software, but plan to post software + source, so a little donate for hosting seems like a plan taken by many others. As well as I plan to reciprocate the donation to other "donation here" sites. Anything I'm forgetting, other than some details.

Thought 45: Phone II

Time to get started on some these phone app ideas. At least now that I have a phone for which I can actually write applications. App 1: Phone as Blue Tooth Mouse. I find myself needing a remote/mouse for the computer hooked up the to TV. And well the phone has a mouse like touch screen so why not just use that. Currently either connect via bluetooth or wifi and send mouse position changes to the PC as well as button presses. App 2: Phone as a Remote. Do not have the normal setup of TV with cable. Instead have been using a combination of Hulu, Netflix, and Mp4s as TV through the computer or Wii. I figure it would be useful to add things like pause, stop, play, rewind, etc. into App 1 and create a nice little combo app that allow digital flow from the portable phone to the PC. App 3: X10 from phone. I have an old X10 serial controller for the same computer. X10 has never been all the great of a technology, especially with compact florescent bulbs (it shortens there life dramati...

Thought 44: Phone Home

This is actually two thoughts in one, but they are both phone related. Thought 44.1: The backside keyboard. We created the typewriters since 1829 and they've use all of our fingers in an effort to create efficiency. We have even created varieties of key layouts such as qwerty and Dvorak to improve the typing speed. Then we took a huge step backwards and created the cell phone with only the 12 buttons for typing, reducing not only the number of keys by the number of fingers usable on those keys. Then we made the thought that if we just replicate the full qwerty things would be better. And to some extend they are, but we still are reduced to just 2 fingers, or rather thumbs to type with. Then it struck me, the full key set could go on the back of the phone. Well at first it seems rather stupid how do you see the keys to type on them, but does/should a touch typist ever look at the typewriter or keyboard? No. The buttons on the back could be a full qwerty keyboard split and r...

Thought 43: Recycled Thoughts

First Recycling is a good thing, but I have been wondering about whether we have been going about the whole process entirely the wrong way. Gripe #1: End users do all of the work. Currently the burden on recycling is on those who want to do something good. That is we sort the containers, wash some, and in some locations (like where I live) must drive to the recycling center. Not that I'm opposed to any of things, but it just leads us to Gripe #2: Some Recycling Plants MAKE money. Sure you can if you'd like get deposits back, or cash for raw metals, or even save money for bringing your own bag to the grocery store. Again this is your work, you save, good. It's when you have done this work and the recycle plant gets to keep the profits of your labor. Granted you are helping to "save the planet", but even the places that give you money for recyclables (mostly metal) still make money from you bringing it down to them. Gripe #3: We are smarter than this. I thin...