Just got back from a wedding in Jersey, and have determined that New Jersey has a lot going for it, and a lot of peculiarities to it as well. First the good: Mandatory recycling. Recycling is curb side and everything goes, this is a great benefit, as there are no third parties involved or hippies to worry about, everyone just recycles. Recycling also requires little effort on the user, plastic, glass, and metals all go in the same container, then paper products in another. Now the strange: Everyone drives everywhere, but there are lots of trees. Like a giant suburbia, where the trees have not yet been killed off by the logging industry. Now, having ridden my bike for most of my life, and having walked the dogs in the morning, I have become more aware of my sense of smell. And oddly New Jersey smells like conflict, the conflict between the cars trying to pollute the world and the trees absorbing that pollution and releasing oxygen. Quite and odd balance when the brain is in a toss...